Preparing For Surgery

Preparing for Surgery: In order to provide you with the best care possible, we need you to complete your registration forms prior to the day of your surgery. Please read information below and complete required forms. A nurse will call you prior to your surgery to review your history. Please follow all instructions given to you by your physicians and surgical center nurses in order to prevent surgery delays or cancellations.

Reminder: A nurse will call you the day before your surgery to inform you of your arrival time and answer any further questions. If you have not received a call by 5:00pm on the day prior to your surgery please call us at (248) 886-5555.

Consents: Most patients will be receiving some form of anesthesia for your specified procedure or surgery. This will be discussed with your prior to the procedure by our anesthesiologists. You will be required to sign consent for the specific type of anesthesia to be received and consent for the surgery or procedure itself. If the patient is a child, a parent or legal guardian must be present to sign. If the patient is unable to sign for his or herself, documentation must be presented at admission for the designated guardian to sign legal documents.

Driver/Responsible Adult: Every patient must arrange for a responsible adult to STAY in the center. Your driver must have a valid driver’s license. All patients are required to have someone stay with them until the next day. For your safety a family member or friend must drive you home. The waiting room space is limited; please do not bring more than two people with you.

Medications: Please print and complete our Medication Reconciliation Form and bring it with you on the day of your procedure. Fill it out to the best of your ability, including the dosage (ex. 50mg), route (ex. Oral) frequency (ex. Once daily), and last date taken prior to day of service. Take any heart, blood pressure, or seizure medication with a sip of water in the morning before your procedure unless otherwise directed. Also take any breathing medications and bring rescue inhalers with you.

*If you are a diabetic: Do not take diabetic medication the day of surgery. Take your blood sugar in the morning and bring the result with you.

*Blood thinning medications: Do not take Aspirin, Motrin or NSAIDS at least 5-7 days before surgery. Stop Coumadin and Plavix 5-7 days prior to surgery with the consent of the doctor who started you on these medications. For additional blood thinners please check with your doctor.

Food and Drink: DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight before your surgery or procedure, unless otherwise instructed. You may NOT drink or chew on anything, including water, coffer, mints and gum.

Smoking/Alcohol: Do not smoke or drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your procedure or surgery.

Hygiene/Clothing: Shower or bathe the night before or on the morning of surgery. You may brush your teeth in the morning, do not swallow any toothpaste or water. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. If you are having surgery on your arms, should or chest, it is recommended that you wear a shirt that buttons or zips up the front.

Personal Items: If you wear contacts, please wear your glasses instead. If you must wear contacts, bring a container and solution to store them. You may wear your hearing aids and dentures. All jewelry and body piercings must be removed and left at home. Bring your driver’s license and insurance card(s). Leave all other valuables at home.

Children: If your young child is having surgery please bring extra underwear or diapers, if they take a bottle please bring one for after the surgery. Bring a security item with them, such as a favorite stuffed animal or blanket. You will be able to remain with your child until the time of surgery.